
I did fast.ai lesson 2 which involved building your own classifier using images from the internet, and was interested in breaking down how exactly they downloaded images from a google image search (gonna assume it’ll be useful later). [Read More]

What is Software Engineering

I’ve lately been trying to clarify what software engineering is. It’s initially logical to evoke and take ideas from other engineering disciplines, where maybe the same question of is it an art, a science, or a craft still exists. But in diving a bit deeper, the lines are fairly blurred,... [Read More]

Design Course Debrief

Beginning in January, I was involved in taking an introductory Human-Centered Design course, provided by +Acumen and IDEO.org. Going into it, I had a belief that design is central to many creative processes, and was looking to dive a bit more in-depth into the whole process. My only previous experience... [Read More]

Sample Sales

I check out NYC samples sales occasionally - a good resource has been The Choosy Beggar. I had a problem with the way the site separated each sale post and their respective maps, meaning I’d go through multiple clicks back and forth to view each location, and couldn’t plan my... [Read More]


A rising indicator for how ingrained a service or company is within society could be its usage in language, otherwise known as mind share. I’m sure this is not a new idea, but it seems to be the mark for modern successful companies - aka “unicorns”, with terms that include... [Read More]