What I’ve shipped: Nothing :(

What I’m working on: Text prompt to generated visuals audio responsive videos

What I see in the near-future: Movies that are incorporate on-the-fly generated assets from genre, themes, specific actors/locales/time periods

Dream journals with automated visuals - topic model sentences to grab the most important text, create visuals, mint journal entry?

Language learning through conversation and real-time transcription. Ex. Spanish learner stumbles in conversation and switches back to English for a few words - transcription software notes down the english and marks as new vocabulary.

What will change in the near-future?

Context -

with iterations in text to image generation it might be possible within the next few years to generate movies from stories

Current tools to generate images from text and how I’m working with them.


GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) are systems where two neural networks are pitted against one another: a generator which synthesizes images or data, and a discriminator which scores how plausible the results are. The system feeds back on itself to incrementally improve its score.

CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training) is a companion third neural network which finds images based on natural language descriptions, which are what’s initially fed into the VQGAN.

helpful tutorial

colab link to run it



These notebooks + following along with this tutorial by Lia Coleman to create a beat detector along with video in TouchDesigner will eventually lead to generated visual videos for mixes. Somewhere along the way, I want to add custom trained StyleGanADA model to “walk” along different images, creating a video to use for audio modulation.