Sit still.

Who are you, what do you want to become? What’s wrong with mediocrity, when one man’s humdrum existince is another’s paradise?

A clever hell.

Suffering leads to a need to remove the suffering. Through action, through inner resolution.

How’s the water?

It’s cool, slightly warm from the sun. The breeze winds its way through leaves and branches, with a few occasionally falling in.

Age of Ambition - Evan Osnos

“In the Internet age, the greatest force is not avarice or love or violence, but devotion to an interest.”

“But when you are in a so-called free system you never think about whether you are brainwashed.”

“Leo Strauss for conservatism that is based on principle, on ‘natural right.’ This conservatism is distinct from a status-quo conservatism, because they are not satisfied with a country that has only a status quo and not a principle.”


I have a standing claim that in Merida, Mexico no two adjacent houses have the same color. I first thought that no two doors were alike but was proven wrong, though I think it could be amended to no two doors from different houses are the same.